Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I wish you a merry Jew Christmas.

When mentioning our Xmas tree I inevitably get asked: "But aren’t you Jewish?" To which I respond with an awkward, stuttered, elaborate explanation that my kids’ grandparents are Christian so my husband and I try to give them both cultures. But the truth is I want the tree. I relish in the tinsel, cherish the cherubs and luxuriate in all the shiny, sparking ornaments. Plug it in, light it up and I glow with pure, gleeful, unadulterated pleasure.

Growing up strictly Jewish I used to get physical pangs when watching shows that featured a Xmas tree. It looked so wonderful. Happy families around a fireplace, singing songs around this gleaming tree, aglow in glitz. And what did we get? Some crappy dreidel, chocolate money and poached fish. It sucked. I felt hard done by. Surely if we were the chosen people we’d get the better holiday?

So when the opportunity came to marry a non-Jew, a true yok with bona-fide Christian parents, I jumped at the opportunity. What a win. I could keep all of my beliefs, my kids would still be Jewish but happy, joyous days I could get the tree, and the presents, and the latest old-timer, cobweb-dusted singer with a Xmas hits album. I could have it all and eat my kneidlach too.

So we have a big tree, all the songs, all the smaltz I missed out on. And yes my grandparents are probably turning in their Jewish graves. But ag, eh, you know, I do it for the kids.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Peace up.

A wise man with long, day-glo painted nails, make-up and shoulder pads once said “War ,war is stupid and people are stupid”. Well he sang it but that does not make the words any less powerful. War is, of course, stupid. There can be nothing gained from the killing of people, except for money and fuel/oil/land and then you have to kill more people to hold onto it. Now I get the “When attacked you need to fight back argument.” Or I did. But really does it solve anything? Do you not just get yourself into an infinity sign of revenge and hate. You’d think most people would know this. But really it’s just a small bunch of people who’re singing along. Basically Yoko Ono and Michael Moore. The rest of us are stupid. Idiots who vote for, pay for, don’t protest, don’t stand up and say Stop, just sit back and watch shock and awe on CNN. Or on Fox, because that’s where most stupid people go for information. George, I’m afraid you’re going to have to steal back your wardrobe from the 2009 catwalks, grab that sequined mike and sing much, much louder.